The Bate Collection of Musical Instruments
A magnificent collections of over 2000 musical instruments
Reference | EAEMUBC01
Distance to Oxford City Centre | 0.25 miles
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One of the most magnificent musical instrument collections
The Bate Collection located at the Oxford University’s Faculty of Music is the most comprehensive collection of woodwind, percussion and brass instruments in Britain.
The collection of over 2000 instruments include Western orchestral music traditions from the Renaissance, through the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and up to modern times. Visitors can see over 1000 instruments on display by the most important English, French and German makers.
An extensive collection of instruments grown from the dedication and generosity of groups and individuals
The Collection takes its name from Philip Bate who gave his extensive collection of European woodwind musical instruments to the University of Oxford in 1968. With the dedication and support from individuals and groups who have donated significant gifts, it has grown into one of the most magnificent collections of musical instruments in the world. This includes the Reginald Morley-Pegge collection of horns, brass and woodwind instruments; the Edgar Hunt Collection of Recorders; the Taphouse keyboard loans and the Retford Memorial Collection of Bows.
Due to the immaculate condition of the original instruments, many are maintained in playing condition and are regularly used for performances and recitals.
Download the app
For music-lovers everywhere, the Bate Collection is a must-see during your visit to Oxford. To enhance your experience further download ‘resOUnd’, the free app which brings the musical instruments to life. Unique interfaces utilising sensors and the touchscreen enable you to easily play in tune even if you’ve never touched an instrument before. Play an Amati violin by moving your arm in a bowing motion. Blow into the microphone to sound the Beale Trumpet, once belonging to the trumpeter to Oliver Cromwell. Play the iconic Bressan Recorder from 1720, and pluck the strings of an 19th century guitar. The app is available for iPad and iPhone, and can be downloaded from the App Store here.
- A primary research facility for students of the Faculty of Music and visiting researchers
- More than 1000 instruments are on display by the most important English, French and German makers
- Free admission
- Download the free app to enhance your experience
- 01865 276128
- Faculty of Music,
St Aldate's,
- General Enquiries

Note: As the postcode is used to identify the general area of the property, it may not always reflect its precise location, therefore please only use this map as a guide.

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